Life Coaching and Wellness Offerings Available at Body & Soul Massage!

June 13, 2019 8:27 pm

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Amy AevonAestra brings forth 20+ years of experience using her gifts as an energy coach/mentor and consultant in individual and professional settings. She has supported clients with childhood sexual trauma, PTSD, addictions, depression & anxiety, cancers, auto immune/inflammatory diseases, self-sabotaging behaviors, poor relationships, financial woes and other imbalances that can be created by disconnecting from the soul self. She has also worked with business owners and corporations to increase profits, develop staff and improve engagement and morale.

Her approach, in her words, is “soulistic”; meaning she treats the whole person using energy and information from the soul, specifically records from the soul. Whether you want to make a shift in the mind, body, spirit, emotions or at all levels, the soul holds the keys to accomplish any goal.

  • Experiencing life challenges?
  • Feeling stuck, relationship issues, life transition difficulties, depressed, anxious, lacking purpose and meaning?
  • Would you like to improve your health, happiness, relationships, and abundance in life?
  • Are you looking to go to your next level and live your best life now?

If you said yes to one or more of the above, your soul is calling you to connect. The truth is…No matter what you may be experiencing, the soul wants you to live your best life – a Divine Ideal Life – and it’s just waiting for you to connect.

Your soul knows what you need and Amy AevonAestra imparts this enlightening perspective along with the energies of your soul to advance you toward accessing the power, passion, pleasure, purpose and prosperity meant for you.

Amy AevonAestra has been there personally so she can empathize and compassionately support your transformation, non-judgmentally. She works on the ‘soul spectrum’ and continues to improve the quality of her own life in all areas and assists her clients to do the same by connecting them to the soul’s path and perspective.

Meet Amy and learn more about her Soulistic Life Design Consulting Services and Divine Ideal Life Products and Programs available to you at Body & Soul Massage in Salem Ma at a FREE workshop: Intro to Soul Healing Tuesday July 9th from 6-7p.

For more information or to register call 978-825-0040 or email
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