Handling Tax Day Stress

April 6, 2018 1:14 pm

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The many effects of stress on the body are well documented. Tax Day is one day that is surrounded by anxiety, tension and uncertainty. 69% of Americans blame our stress on financial issues, and preparing the tax return only amplifies the stress.

Some Healthy Ways to Manage Stress:

  1. Find the reason underneath.  What is it that gets you worked up about Tax Day?  Is it the worry about not having enough money?  Is it anxiety about not being organized enough?  Make an ongoing commitment all year long to set yourself up for success.  Treat yourself to a new receipt organizer, or an appointment with a financial planner
  2. Stop stress responses in their tracks.  Recognize how you tend to process stress, ideally before it hits head-on. Engage meditation techniques with breathing and taking a step back to oberserve the situation without judgement.
  3. Nourish your inner calm.  Did you know that stress can weaken our immune system?  Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. Don’t eat “comfort foods” like macaroni and cheese or sweets.  Instead, load up on antioxidants like those found in fruits and vegetables to give your immune system a boost.

Once you have filed this year’s returns, reward yourself with a Massage at Body & Soul. Join us for our Beginner Meditation Group the second and fourth Tuesday of the month and learn stress reducing techniques and devise an organization system so you are better prepared for next year.
Body & Soul Massage in Salem Ma offers a variety of stress management and pain relief programs. Visit our website www.bodysoulsalem.com or call 978-825-0040 for more information