Self-Care Is A Mindset, Not A To-Do List

October 5, 2020 7:59 am

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Who needs another to-do list? Self-care is something we need to do, but it’s not rooted in performing tasks. Self-care is behavior that follows the mindset of treating yourself with the love and respect you deserve as a human being.

Proper Self-Care Starts With Looking Inward

There’s an entire world going on inside of us that many never pay attention to. That inner world runs our lives, and it’s a messy place. Our minds and emotions are often subjected to misinformation and injury.

How can we properly care for someone we don’t know? We need to look inside, know who we are, and intentionally become involved in what’s going on there. And once you start, there are two different kinds of self-care you can begin engaging in: internal repair and maintenance.

Self-Care as Internal Repair and Healing

We all accumulate and internalize negative views of ourselves. These speak a nasty inner dialogue to us. They are damaging and need to be repaired or they’ll make us miserable and steal all our dreams.

There’s a reason, a source of the negativity. This reason has to be dragged out into the light and destroyed. Identifying your reason begins your healing.

Once you identify the negative inner dialogue it needs to be replaced with positive truth. Practice believing new thoughts that enforce your value. Use your imagination to see them as true in your life. Say them out loud over and over until they become a part of you.

Self-Care as Maintenance

Maintenance self-care is continuing to treat yourself with the love and respect you deserve as a human being. It’s necessary to remember that there is no perfect way to practice self-care. It’s about how you treat yourself.
Proper self-care requires us to know who we are, accept ourselves, and treat ourselves with honor. When self-care is a mindset, setting boundaries becomes easier to do. Frequently practicing self-care trains you to you respond in a positive instead of negative manner.

Make self-care a priority. Body & Soul Massage in Salem Ma offers a monthly massage membership program. Regular massage has been shown to decrease stress and muscle inflammation naturally. Your pre-scheduled sessions allow you to set aside important time for yourself. For more information visit or call 978-825-0040.